Happy New Year 2022: New Calendar. New Long Weekend Trips

Disclaimer: We need to be careful every time amidst pandemic, especially when we travel. Before planning your trips and holidays, check COVID restrictions state-wise to avoid the last-minute hassle. 

Happy New Year!

The last two years have been no less than a roller coaster ride. We all learned how to live amidst the new normal scenario and adjusted our lives accordingly. With safety and precautions, we sailed through the hard times. We work, explore new dimensions, meet loved ones, party with friends, and of course, travel. With the hope of many more trips and happy times, let’s plan the 2022 weekend travel calendar to take necessary breaks throughout the year during long weekends.

Here is the complete list for you to plan your getaways in 2022.

1 2 3 4 5 6 6a 7 7a 8

Note: There are many unexplored and famous destinations to visit month-wise. Stay tuned to our blog section and read the Travel India segment every month. 

Where ever you go; travel with utmost safety with Myles.

To book your self-drive car for an upcoming road trip or to explore your city, visit https://www.mylescars.com/